Introduction Last updated: 2023-05-30

Welcome to the documentation pages.

With, you can automate the scheduling of off hours for your AWS resources, so that you can save on your AWS charges. You can turn off and/or scale down unused resources during off hours, fully automatically, and bring them back up when needed again. integrates with your teams and development workflows using ChatOps (via Slack and Teams) as well as through our API.

Work in progress

The documentation is currently work-in-progress, and represents the state of the service in the current phase of development.

Getting Started

Subscribing to our service

Use the AWS Marketplace to subscribe to our service. Through AWS Marketplace, our service is invoiced from you as part of your AWS monthly bill, and requires no separate contracts and/or payment methods to be established.


If you have multiple AWS accounts, we recommend that you subscribe to our service only once from one account. You can use our service against multiple accounts with a single subscription.

Provisioning our access

In order for to be able to schedule your resources, we need an access role provisioned in each of your AWS accounts that you want to use our service with.

This access role provides us with limited access to your AWS resources. We access this role using cross-account role assume, which is an AWS security best practice. We further utilize an external ID to further enhance the security when assuming the role.


The access policies in our role are designed with a least privilege principal. The permissions you will grant us allow us to only perform the functions required by our service, and nothing more.

Specifically, the policies grant us no access to your instances, your data or databases, or access into your networks.

You have multiple options to choose from on how to provision our access role:

  1. You can install the provided CloudFormation template on the account(s)
  2. You can use CDK to deploy the provided CDK stack on your account(s)
  3. Or you can use any of the tools you already use, such as Terraform, to deploy the required role

Supported AWS services

We support the following AWS services:

Services Capabilities
EC2 Stop/Start Instances. Scale down/up auto scaling groups.
ECS Stop/Start Services. Scale down/up auto scaling.
EBS Scale down/up EBS volume IOPS and throughput
VPC Delete/Recreate NAT gateways
Lambda Scale down/up Lambda function provisioned concurrent capacity
RDS Stop/Start RDS instances and clusters
OpenSearch Scale down/up instances size(s) for cluster nodes
Redshift Stop/Start Redshift clusters
SageMaker Stop/Start SageMaker notebook instances
MSK Scale down/up MSK node instance size(s)

For the following AWS services, support is planned but not yet committed:

Services Capabilities
DynamoDB Scale down/up provisioned read and write capacity units.
Kinesis Scale down/up provisioned Kinesis streams
ElastiCache Backup & Terminate + Restore & Restart instances
Neptune Stop/Start Neptune clusters
AppRunner Pause & Resume AppRunner service
AppStream Stop/Start AppStream Fleet
WorkSpaces Stop/Start WorkSpace
Glue Disable/Enable crawler schedules and triggers

Amazon EC2

Off hour method Running EC2 instance(s) are stopped. Auto-scaling groups are scaled down by updating the ASG configuration with MinSize, MaxSize and DesiredCapacity = 0
On hour method Stopped EC2 instance(s) are re-started. Auto-scaling groups are re-started by setting back the MinSize, MaxSize and DesiredCapacity to their original values.
Charge dimension The instance's on-demand cost per hour. For auto-scaling groups, the number of instances for charge purposes is determined based on the number of instances running at the time the off hours begin.
Required IAM permissions ec2:DescribeInstances
Limitations Instances with instance store backed storage, and spot instances cannot be stopped, and are automatically excluded.
Notes Instances that are configured for hibernation will be hibernated instead of stopped.

Amazon ECS

Off hour method Running ECS services are stopped. Services that have an auto-scaling configuration will have that configuration disabled.
On hour method Stopped ECS services are re-started. Services that had an auto-scaling configuration will have the configuration re-enabled.
Charge dimension Fargate services: The on-demand hourly charge for memory and CPU. For EC2-backed services, no separate charge.
Required IAM permissions ecs:DescribeClusters
Notes Old ECS resources created prior that have not yet opted-in to the new ARN format have limited tagging capabilities, and should be upgraded to the new format.

Amazon EBS

Off hour method gp3, io1 and io2 volumes: Scale down provisioned IOPS (if any).
gp3 only: Scale down provisioned throughput (if any)
On hour method gp3, io1 and io2 volumes: Scale up provisioned IOPS.
gp3 only: Scale up provisioned throughput.
Charge dimension IOPS: the delta between the hourly charge for the hourly charge for provisioned IOPS.
Throughput: the delta between the provisioned hourly charge for throughput.
Required IAM permissions ec2:DescribeVolumes
Limitations A cooldown period of 6 hours is enforced by the EBS service between changes to the same volume.

Amazon VPC

Off hour method Terminate NAT gateway(s)
On hour method Create new NAT gateways, to previous subnet, with previous Elastic IP(s) if any, and add routes back to route tables.
Charge dimension The hourly charge for NAT gateway
Required IAM permissions ec2:DescribeNatGateways

AWS Lambda

Off hour method Set provisioned concurrent capacity for functions to zero.
On hour method Reset provisioend concurrent capacity for functions back to original value.
Charge dimension The Lambda Provisioned Concurrency charge per GB and amount of concurrency provisioned
Required IAM permissions lambda:ListFunctions

Amazon RDS

Off hour method Stop RDS instances and clusters
On hour method Start RDS instances and clusters
Charge dimension The hourly charge for the RDS instances
Required IAM permissions rds:DescribeDBInstances
Limitations An Amazon RDS for SQL Server DB instance in a Multi-AZ configuration cannot be stopped. Any stopped RDS instances are automatically restarted by RDS service if they remain stopped for more than 7 days.

Amazon OpenSearch/ElasticSearch

Off hour method Scale down to smallest possible instance type
On hour method Scale back up to the previous instance type.
Charge dimension The delta between the hourly charge of the instance types.
Required IAM permissions es:ListDomainNames
Limitations AWS limitations for instance types as documented.

Amazon Redshift

Off hour method Pause the Redshift cluster
On hour method Resume the Redshift cluster
Charge dimension The hourly charge for the Redshift cluster instances.
Required IAM permissions redshift:DescribeClusters

Amazon Sagemaker

Off hour method Stop running Sagemaker notebook instances
On hour method Start Sagemaker notebook instances
Charge dimension The hourly charge for the Sagemaker notebook instances.
Required IAM permissions sagemaker:ListNotebookInstances

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

Off hour method Scale down MSK cluster instance size
On hour method Scale up MSK cluster instance size
Charge dimension The delta of the hourly charge for the MSK instance types.
Required IAM permissions kafka:ListClustersV2
Limitations MSK limits the broker size based on the number of partitions per broker.


All aspects of configuration can be managed either via our management console, or via our API.

The folowing concepts, and the relationships between them, define how managed the scheduling of offhours for your resources:

Concept Explanation
Deployment The highest level concept.
AWS Account and Region One or more AWS accounts and Regions must be mapped to a given Deployment.
Filters Zero or more filters can be added to a Deployment.
Schedule A single schedule must be attached to a Deployment.


A deployment is the highest level concept defining a collection of resources across one or more AWS accounts in one or more AWS regions.

A deployment can be in Enabled or Disabled state. When Disabled, no off hours activities are performed.

Accounts and regions are independent

Resources in each AWS account and region are brough down and back up independent of each other.

AWS Account and Region

For simplicity, resources in a single AWS Account and Region are recommended to be attached to a single deployment only.

Take care if attaching to multiple deployment

If resources in an Account and Region are connected to multiple deployments, take care in crafting the related Filters in such a way that no single resource is connected to multiple deployments.


Filters can optionally be connected to a deployment. Filters operate either on an opt-in or opt-out bases (configurable per filter). If multiple filters are applied, the resulting collection of AWS resources is a combination (AND logic) of all the filters. If no filters are provided, then all resources in all the AWS accounts and Regions connected to the Deployment are in scope.

Two filters are supported at this time:

  1. Service -filter
  2. Tag -filter

Both filters can be used to either opt-in or opt-out of either AWS service categories, or individual resources based on tag key values.

A filter can be connected to multiple Deployments. In such case, an update to the filter is applied to all the connected Deployments.


Schedules define when off hours begin and end. A single Schedule can be attached to a Deployment at any time. If no schedule is attached, the Deployment is effectively in a disabled state.

A schedule can be connected to multiple Deployments. In such case, an update to the Schedule is applied to all the connected Deployments.

Work in progress

Detailed documentation for the format of the schedule is not available yet

Integrations is built with a developer-first mindset. Our intent is to provide a service that integrates seamlessly to the daily life of a developer, and provides the integration options to commonly used tools.


In order to be easily accessible, integrates to both Slack and Teams based chat tools.

You can invite the cloudnap bot into your chat channels. The bot will broadcast messages when environments are about to be brought down for off hours, as well when resumed, such as below:

From these messages, channel members can directely postpone or cancel the off hours action if their work is not yet complete for the day.

Work in progress

Detailed documentation for the Chat integrations is not available yet


All aspects of the configuration of can be managed using our REST API.

Work in progress

Detailed documentation for the API is not available yet